BBL-Brazilian Hip Aesthetics

Give your hips beautiful feminine curves again

Boost your self-confidence

Butt raise and reshape

Enjoy an impressive butt – BBL again allows you to have a beautifully shaped, feminine buttock.

Why BBL-Brazilian hip surgery?

Due to a large amount of weight loss or low level of fat, beautiful body folds on the female buttocks may be missing. A successful surgeon can reshape your hip by placing silicone or transplanting fat from the body.

Treatment Process

Before BBL-Brazilian hip surgery:

  • A month before surgery, you should stop smoking and stop taking aspirin-like blood thinners. Also do not take vitamin E.
  • A full blood count should be performed a week before the operation and an ECG should be performed.
  • The day before the treatment, you will travel to Istanbul.

On the day of treatment:

  • You’ll be in your room at our clinic.
  • Do not use body lotion, makeup or face cream after showering this morning.
  • Our doctors will examine you in detail and a full blood count will be performed and an ECG should be performed.
  • You will have a detailed interview with your responsible anesthesiologist and surgeon. At this stage, you can reconsider all your questions, fears and concerns.
  • As soon as your blood values are ready, a sedative is given if it is deemed necessary, and general anesthesia is initiated.

After BBL-Brazilian hip surgery:

  • Of course, you will be provided with all the necessary medications (antibiotics, painkillers and sleeping pills). It is normal for slight swelling to occur in the intervened area.
  • You should not sit for about 2 weeks after the BBL.
  • After about a week you can start doing light activities, after 10-14 days you can work again.
  • For the first few weeks after surgery, you should sleep lying on your abdomen or side to avoid putting pressure on your hip.
  • Our doctors will tell you how you can sit as soon as the healing process allows.
  • You will be given a special corset that you must wear for at least six weeks.
  • After about eight weeks, you can sit back normally.

Contact us for consultation!

BBL-How is Brazilian Hip Surgery performed?

Our experienced surgeons will examine you in detail and give you detailed information about the options of your specific anatomical conditions. Of course, your expectations will be taken into account and possible final results will be evaluated and marked.

Fat cells are removed from unwanted parts of the body, such as the abdomen, waist, buttocks, or thighs. This fat is then injected into the buttocks to lift and appear round. A suitable silicone can also be used if there is not enough fat elsewhere. For this, a small invisible incision is made.

BBL-Brazilian Hip Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 2-3 hours.

BBL-is Brazilian Hip Surgery suitable for you?

In the Brazilian hip lift process, the hips are lifted to make them look more feminine. There are several options for this. This can be done by injecting fat sucked from the body, or by placing an appropriate silicone. Both methods fill a flat or weak-skinned hip. We are happy to consider with you the option that will give you the best result.

If you are suffering from sagging tissue in the hip area, but are physically healthy and lead an active lifestyle, BBL surgery to make your hip look feminine and round can be a good solution. You should also not smoke, be emotionally strong, and be close to your ideal weight.

Contact now!

If you have questions about treatments or would like to get counseling, feel free to contact us!

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